The Live Simply Award 2025

We have got off to a flying start. The staff used a twilight inset to plan the year's events and Class 5 kicked us off with a litter pilgrimage on the 24th January . They will be using this event as the basis of their public speaking presentation at the Catenians Public Speaking contest in March. 

On the same day , Class Four created their presentations for a World Peace Day Assembly later in the year in November . 

On Tuesday 6th March, the school kicked off its Big Lent Walk preparations by setting up and sharing its Just Giving page . Already the school has raised £50 for Cafod. 

On Thursday 13th March , Class Two took part in the first of a series of Disconnect to Reconnect days. Without the Internet and in minimal lighting , they did arithmetic , guided reading , wrote packing lists for visiting Antarctica or the Sahara , had a PE lesson and a two hour epic painting session. 


As an extra layer to our Live Simply Award we have introduced a number of environmentally friendly initiatives in school. 

In an effort to reduce the purchase and disposal of green paper towels ( which are not recyclable ) children are being encouraged to use towels ( washed at home by staff ) and the air dryers . We are consciously not stocking the staff toilet or the busy room with paper towels to encourage the use of air dryers. 

Mrs Farthing and her eco champions ( who are KS 2 Chaplains ) are now washing out and recycling yoghurt pots used at lunchtime.


Mrs Gordge is no longer purchasing traditional Pritt Stick but only refillable glue sticks. In addition , we are trialling the use of white board pencils rather than buying white board pens. 

Our Big Lent Walk took place on Friday 7th March . We walked 525 km and smashed our £200 target for Cafod. 
Our outdoor prayer garden is really coming together and looks lovely now that the bee planting is coming through. 
Here is thewinning  PowerPoint Produced by Class 5 which will support the group at the Catentians Public Speaking Contest in March. It shows pupils from Class 5 taking part in the first of our series of 'Litter Pilgrimages'. 
Here is the PowerPoint created by Class 3 to celebrate World Peace Day.