
Every year we monitor and evaluate prayer life at school. In this 2024 Year of Prayer, we have spent a whole half term on monitoring and evaluating prayer life at the school.  In response to our self evaluation, we have created a Prayer Progression Document and Class Prayer Booklets to outline the prayers said, learnt and recognised throughout our school. Next term, we hope to finish our prayer garden. 
In the first half of the autumn term, Mrs Earp led a whole school child led prayer training event and, every Tuesday, has met with prayer leaders from Years 5 and 6 to help them to set up child led prayer sessions in Key Stage One classes. Mrs Earp will continue to be available on Tuesday lunchtimes to support those undertaking Tuesday child led prayer sessions with understanding scripture,  choosing appropriate Gather, Respond and Mission cards and practical resources for leading prayer . Children who are aspiting to be School Chaplains in Jnauary will be leading prayer in Key Stage 1 during the second half of the term. 
This October, we hosted a Rosary Club at lunchtimes. Here are some images from the sessions. 
Our Child Led Prayer resource baskets for R, 1 and 2 have been well used over the last two weeks. Our Year 3 and 4 'Trainee Chaplains' have been doing a wonderful job leading prayer.