
In accordance with the Instrument of Government, the Board of St George's Catholic Primary  School consists of 12 members as follows:
  • 7 foundation governors, appointed by the Bishop of Clifton diocese;
  • 2 parent governors;
  • 1 headteacher;
  • 1 staff governor;
  • 1 local authority governor.
Total number of governors = 12
Mrs Helen Mac Connell

Foundation governor/Chair

Mrs Edwina McDonnell


Mr Richard Mansell

Parent governor/Vice chair

Fr Rajesh Abraham

Foundation governor

Mr John Rata

Foundation governor

Mrs L Robertson

Foundation governor

Mrs D Smith

Foundation governor

Ms Nicola Sweeting

Foundation governor

Mrs Mary Tighe

Foundation governor

Mrs Claire Earp

Staff governor

Mrs Marjorie Bullock

LA governor

Mrs A Ion

Parent governor