29th November 2024 - Newsletter


29th November 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,


This Week in School

It has been a chilly week but lovely to see the children coming to school wrapped up snugly against the cold. I had the pleasure of attending the Geography Lunch Bunch on Wednesday with Mrs Potter and a selection of 14 children from across the school. Two children attended from each class, and they came prepared to answer questions related to their experience of Geography at school, while enjoying lunch and some tasty treats. Mrs Potter (our Year 4 teacher and Geography Lead) and I were most impressed by how articulate and engaged the children were, and they were a credit to their parents and their teachers. Thank you to Mrs Potter for organising the Lunch Bunch, and to Mrs Bradshaw for ensuring the children had lots of tasty treats to tickle their tastebuds.

I was also excited to visit Queen’s College with Mr Hughes and the Year 6 pupils to see their school’s production of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. What a wonderful treat it was and we were all blown away by the calibre of the performances. It was an entertaining watch and I’m sure many of the Year 6 pupils will be considering joining the drama department of their secondary school after watching the inspiring production! Furthermore, I am proud to say that our Year 6 pupils represented St George’s to a very high standard with excellent behaviour all around.  Thank you to Mr Hughes and the Year 6 team for organising such a fun trip out.

The children in Year 5 also enjoyed a trip off site, as they visited the Somerset Museum for the day. They were developing their knowledge and understanding of their latest History topic – Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. The children really enjoyed the day and were very grateful to Miss Droba, Miss Aspden and Mrs Lipscombe for ensuring they had such an interactive learning experience. Another highlight of the week was hearing our littlest voices rehearsing for their nativity plays. Their gentle voices were a joy to behold as I walked around the school and it is hard not to begin to feel quite Christmassy as December approaches!


Christmas Dinner Day

Have you ordered your child’s Christmas dinner online? Our festive Christmas lunch will take place on Thursday 19th December and we are encouraging the children to wear a Christmas jumper if they have one. This might be a timely reminder, given that today is Black Friday and there are lots of special offers around at the moment!


Christmas Hamper Raffle 2024

As you may know, the school is organising the Christmas Hamper Raffle this year. We held a Mufti day today in exchange for a donation and these will be used to create the wonderful Christmas Hampers. We would like to thank you all for your support in providing the generous donations and for buying and promoting tickets for the hampers.


Amenities and Swimming

Please can we remind you that this term’s contribution for your child’s swimming lessons - £10 per term per child, is due. Can we also remind you that the amenities contribution of £10 is due. This allows us to fund our exciting extracurricular events such as theatre companies, performers and visiting artists. This should be paid to the school bank account, ending in 7152. Please quote reference ‘S’ for Swimming and ‘A’ for Amenities. Please contact the school office if you have any queries about this.




Impetigo Cases in School


There have been a number of cases of impetigo in school recently and we are writing to inform you of how contagious this skin issue is, and to advise that parents take extra care to ensure that if they notice any symptoms, they take their child to the pharmacist to have it looked at. A specialist cream can be prescribed in confirmed cases, and it is important that treatment is given as soon as symptoms appear. This will help to stop the spread of the condition to staff and pupils across the school. We have included a link with further information below. Thank you for your assistance in this.


 Impetigo - NHS


We hope you have a lovely weekend.


Best wishes,


Edwina McDonnell





Upcoming Dates:  

Tuesday 10th December – EYFS/Reception Class Nativity – 2.30pm

Wednesday 11th December – KS1 Nativity matinee performance – 2pm

Thursday 12th December – KS1 Nativity evening performance – 6pm

Tuesday 17th December – End of Term Mass in Church 9.30am – Mince pies/hot drinks in the Busy     Room afterwards, served by Year 6 pupils

Wednesday 18th December – Carol Concert in Church – 2pm

Thursday 19th December – Christmas Dinner Day – remember to order your child’s lunch!

Thursday 19th December – Christmas Jumper Day

Saturday 21st December – SCHOOL CLOSED for the Christmas Holidays

Monday 6th January – SCHOOL REOPENS