At St George's Catholic School we help all our children to grow in MIND, BODY and SPIRIT.
The school aims:
- to provide a broad and balanced curriculum based in a Catholic, Christian setting where we are led by the Spirit of Christ. We believe that "Children and young people should be helped to develop harmoniously their physical, moral and intellectual qualities."
- to make prayer, worship and liturgy real educational experiences and to contribute successfully to the development of the faith of each individual in the school community.
- to provide an environment in which children can grow in understanding and in the acquisition of skills, knowledge, attitude and values for life.
- to participate in and encourage interaction between the home, parish and school. We believe that it is important that common aims be established and developed in a climate of mutual trust and openness. Home, parish and school must together provide preparation for the pupil's entry into the wider community.
- to develop within each child a respect for themself and their achievements and a respect and understanding of others.
We asked our Year 6 pupils how they have been helped to grown in MIND, BODY and SPIRIT in their time at St George's School. Here are a selection of their responses.
How I have grown in MIND at St. George's:
I have learnt a lot of things at this amazing school but by far the most important thing I've learnt is to read. There are so many amazing opportunities to seize at this school. Abaigh
I have grown in mind by making memories that will stay with me. The school has helped me to overcome some of my fears. Lillie.
I have learned how to remain positive from Mr Hanratty's 'Compass for Life'lessons. Ella
I learned how to join up my writing. Kacper
I have grown by learning all the topics with our teachers and by going on trips like Pinkery, Kilve and camp.
I have grown in mind due to different teachers helping me to always think positive and give everything my all. Tilly
I have been inspired by Mrs Earp when we did optical illusions because it helped me to see things differently.
I have grown because of all of the lessons. Jack
School trips because I learnt how to work well with other people and I really enjoyed them. Toby
I have learned to grow in mind by all the WOW events as they were fun and cool. Salvador
I enjoyed Pinkery and Kilve Court. William
We have learnt a lot at St George's during our topics, History, Science, Geography, Maths, Computing and English. Luke
How I have grown in BODY at St. George's:
In body, I have enjoyed all the trips, sports festivals, PE and Swimming every week. Stefano
PE and Swimming weekly and all of the sports competitions, sports days and sports festivals which St George's never say no to! Eddie
I love PE and Swimming - especially fun swim! Isabella
I really enjoyed going on residential trips because it helped me to get more confident. Poppy
I have done a lot of clubs after school and we do PE and swimming every week. Eliza
In St. Georges School, I have grown in body by enjoying and playing in PE lessons with Mr C. Lucia
I have learned to swim better, run better and think in a different way. Zofia
Swimming because when I first came to school I couldn't swim and now I am amazing! Leyland
Being active and doing a lot of sports like: Swimming, PE, Football and Basketball. Going on trips. Andrei
How I have grown in SPIRIT at St. George's:
I have grown by all the teachers and friends that have helped me. Olivia
I have grown by doing Mass at Church, helping people by raising money and doing the nativity. Hania
I have grown because of the Harvest Festivals and Masses in Church. Max
I have learned that we have a wonderful church and a wonderful priest. Oliver
We do nativities, RE (lots), masses, praying and read the bible. Niamh
We grow in spirit by doing RE, going to Church and saying sorry to God. Alina
I have been growing in spirit to believe in God and to be happy with everyone here. Veanna
How we do masses, raising money for charity, all the RE topics, all the prayers we make up and songs. Dorian.
We have joined in nativities, Mass, Carol Service, singing hymns. Angel
I have grown in spirit by going to Church, praying the Rosary and doing Holy Communion. Lorenzo