
Current Equality  Duty / Actions 


Coram Life Education SCARF for PSHE and citizenship lessons / curriculum


Teachers keep a record of SCARF lessons covered in SCARF files or through Big Books to ensure coverage


Literacy planning to engage boys as a positive intervention to advance equality


EAL teaching techniques and resources to close gaps created by language barriers and advance equality


EAL Policy


Specialist EAL teacher to advance equality


SEND Policy and SENCO


Intervention programmes to advance equality


Graduated response to identify inequality


Literacy schemes and texts which actively promote stories from other cultures 


Key stage and whole school assemblies to promote equality, diversity and respect for other faiths


Inclusive uniform and kit decisions with due regard given to pupil and parental needs


Removal of gender specific texts from library and reading scheme


Equality and diversity texts included in the library to raise awareness / promote empathy 


Multi language texts in the library


Parent support sheets sent home in a variety of languages


Newly revised RSE policy and plans – Journey of Love


Explicit teaching of other faiths as prescribed by RE Policy and plans 


PPMs to track groups of pupils and data analysis of boys, girls, EAL, SEN, PP, Children In Care and Traveller Community members


Personal Education Plan for children in care


Male and female football teams 


Mixed sporting teams


‘Have a go’ teams and tournaments to encourage inclusivity and endeavour and special events for those with SEN / disabilities


Extra motor skills support sessions within the weekly timetable to advance equality 


PE tracking to ensure all pupils have time and opportunity allocated and positive action taken to give extra time to those identified as in need or not participating fully to advance equality


Opportunity for all to take part in assemblies, plays and masses - lists of participants kept to ensure equality


Non gender specific toilets


New handrails on steps to Key Stage One classrooms


New step to Class Two stairs


Yellow indicator strips painted on steps down to office and up to Key Stage One


Fair access to playground space and equipment - monitored by staff with due regard to equality


Trip and residential risk and accessibility assessments paying due regard to equality 


The Staff Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy was reviewed by the Governing Body in November  2022.  It is due to be reviewed in the Autumn Term of 2024. 
The Equality Act 2010 and Schools was reviewed by the Governing Body in November 2022. 
A review of Equality Duty at St George's School took place in November 2022. 
Objectives for future actions were set in November 2022. 
Staff review of and training on the Equality Act and Equality Duty has been planned for Spring 2023. 
Please see the following policies which reflect the advice issued by the Equality Act: 
Staff Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy 
School Admissions Policy 
Anti Bullying Policy 
Behaviour Policy 
RSE  / RE Policy 
PE Policy 

Objectives to improve equality duty :

Staff training on Equality Act (Spring 2023)

Governor update on Equality Act (December 2022)

Feedback from staff and governors on equality provision (December  2022 and Spring  2023 )

Review Accessibility Plan with SENCO  December 2022

Audit of provision of auxiliary aids and services with SENCO December 2022

Advancing equality for disabled or SEN groups – currently on SDP (to be reviewed Summer 2023)

Raise attainment for boys  - target group ( to be reviewed Summer 2023)

Equality web page (created 30th November 2022)