5th July 2024 - Newsletter


July 2024

5th July 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,


Year 4 – Residential Trip to Pinkery

I’m sure you will join me in saying well done and a huge thank you to the staff – Mrs Potter, Mrs Armstrong, Mrs Roberts and Mrs McNamara - who took time away from their own families to ensure our Year 4 pupils had an amazing trip to Pinkery this week. What a fantastic opportunity it was for the children to develop their team building skills and to try out a little independence in a safe and beautiful environment. I’m sure there will be some tired little ones this evening in need of an early night. We hope they get lots of rest so they can be well-rested and ready to join us for our summer fete tomorrow!


First Holy Communion – 2025

We would like to draw your attention to the link to register your child to make their First Holy Communion in next academic year: https://tauntonvalecatholics.com/first-communion/

This is for children who will be in Year 3 and upwards, from September.


***THIS WEEKEND***SUMMER FETE*** 6TH JULY*** 11:00 AM – 2:30PM

We are very excited to invite you to join us at our annual St George’s Summer Fete.

The Rainbow Raffle hampers are ready and look fantastic, the stalls have been chosen, resources purchased and our wonderful team of helpers are ready to go full steam ahead for tomorrow.

We really hope you can join us for what looks to be an amazing day out! Thank you in advance for supporting our wonderful school. See you there!


Last Week’s Parkrun Event at Longrun Meadow

A very big ‘well done’ to Mrs Buck and her group of supporters for their efforts at Parkrun on Saturday. Mrs Buck completed the park run to raise awareness for MND and in memory of MND Association patron Rob Burrow. A special thank you to Kate Rowe for organising the event – Mrs Buck really enjoyed it and was so happy to see so many of our pupils in attendance!

Have a great weekend and fingers crossed for good weather tomorrow!

Best wishes,

Edwina McDonnell


Upcoming Dates:  

Saturday 6th July – SUMMER FETE – 11am to 2.30pm

Wednesday 17th July – Year 6 Leavers’ Mass in St George’s Church – 9.30am. Parents welcome.

Friday 19th July – Year 6 Leaver’s Assembly – details to be confirmed.

Saturday 20th July – SCHOOL CLOSED for Summer Holidays