20th December 2024 - Newsletter


December 2024

20th December 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,


This Week in School

What a joyous end to a fantastic term at our school. The pupils did us all proud this week with more wonderful performances, this time at our Key Stage 2 Carol Concert. I think all who attended would agree that the singing was uplifting and the children read and performed confidently. I would like to take a moment to thank the staff and volunteers who have worked so hard to bring these entertaining productions to life. A lot goes on behind the scenes and although they make it look easy, ultimately there is a lot of preparation and effort involved and much of this is done in their own time. I’m sure you will agree we are lucky to have such a wonderful staff team here at our school!


Behaviour and Respect

We have very high expectations of behaviour at St George’s, and we are sure you would agree that this is an essential part of running a successful school with happy children who are ready to learn. Poor behaviour is a barrier to education, taking valuable time away from learning and ultimately impacting on the success and achievement of the pupils. It can also impact upon the well-being of school staff.

An essential part of excellent behaviour at school is showing respect and courtesy to the staff members who support pupils, ranging from cleaners and lunchtime supervisors, to teaching assistants and teachers. I’m sad to report that this isn’t as consistent across the school as it used to be and the number of incidents we are having to deal with as a school is on the rise. Therefore, in January, we will be reviewing our behaviour policy to ensure it is robust enough to respond to incidents of poor behaviour. We would ask that in the meantime, you have an open conversation with your child about their behaviour at school, and check their understanding of how to show courtesy and respect to the staff who support them, not limited to their teachers, but to the wider range of staff across the school who work so hard, often during the less structured parts of the day, such as lunchtimes and before/after school. We hope we can count on your support as we work together to maintain the high standards of behaviour our pupils and staff so deserve.


Mrs Parker’s Party - a Huge Success

We would like to extend our thanks to the wonderful Mrs Marion Parker (our EYFS Teaching Assistant) for throwing an excellent party for the children on Thursday afternoon. It is a testament to her generous nature that her preferred method of celebrating her time at St George’s was a party for the children. She has worked tirelessly for the last 28 years at our school to support the children in their learning journey, helping them to grow in Mind, Body and Spirit. And she has done this with grace, love and a huge dash of style. We wish her every success in her retirement, which we hope is filled with lots of fun and memories made with families and friends.


School Uniform Policy

To endeavour to promote a disciplined and purposeful atmosphere and help the child to take a pride in belonging to St George's, the wearing of the school uniform is expected.

We allow children to wear their PE kit on the day they have PE, however children should still appear smart and adhere to the school uniform policy on these days. I have outlined below what this is.

It is expected that in winter, pupils wear a school jumper with their PE kit (preferably with a logo).

As PE kits are worn throughout the school day, dark trainers are requested so that pupils look smart. If trainers are brightly coloured, pupils should wear school shoes into school and change into trainers for the lesson, changing back again afterwards.

Our uniform expectations are in line with other schools and in secondary school, children will be sanctioned for wearing items other than those listed as acceptable. Therefore, it is important to prepare pupils for this by adhering to the uniform policy in the primary setting as well. In the New Year, staff members will be monitoring that the policy is adhered to, and we appreciate your support and understanding with this.


Please can I make parents aware of the following requirements from our school uniform policy:


Sensible flat, dark shoes

No trainers


PE Kit - Sports

White t-shirt preferably with the school logo

Navy blue shorts

Daps/plimsolls for gymnastics

Dark trainers suitable for junior games, not brightly coloured.



Under no circumstances are items of jewellery including bracelets, rings, or earrings to be worn. For children with pierced ears, only small single studs will be accepted.



Any hairbands or hair accessories must be of a reasonable size and in school colours – white and blue.

Hair longer than shoulder length must be tied back.

Hairstyles must be neat and tidy with no extreme styles e.g., no lines, patterns or colours applied to the hair.


The full policy is available on the school website.


Parent Support Group

Planning has begun for a school disco next term. The disco is always very popular with the children, and without the support of parents, cannot go ahead. Please get in touch with Laura (Mum of George and Jack in Year 5 and Year 1) or the office staff to let them know if you are available to lend your support. Thank you in advance for your support, which is always appreciated.


We hope you have a lovely Christmas break.


Best wishes,


Edwina McDonnell



Upcoming Dates:  

Saturday 21st December – SCHOOL CLOSED for the Christmas Holidays

Monday 6th January – SCHOOL REOPENS

Wednesday 9th January – Start of Term Mass in St George’s Church at 9.30am. Parents welcome.

Wednesday 15th January – Year 2 join the 9.30am Mass in St George’s Church. Parents welcome.

Wednesday 22nd January – Year 3 join the 9.30am Mass in St George’s Church. Parents welcome.

Wednesday 5th February – Year 4 join the 9.30am Mass in St George’s Church. Parents welcome.

Thursday 6th February – Chaplaincy Commissioning Service at St George’s Church. Parents welcome.

Monday 10th February – Parents’ Evening – 5 pm – 7.30 pm

Tuesday 11th February – Parents’ Evening – 3 pm – 5.30 pm

Wednesday 12th February – Year 5 join the 9.30am Mass in St George’s Church. Parents welcome.

Saturday 15th February – SCHOOL CLOSED for half-term

Monday 24th February – SCHOOL REOPENS