13th December 2024
Dear Parents and Carers,
This Week in School
We were delighted to welcome so many of our Reception Class and Key Stage One parents and carers this week into the school to share the wonderful Nativity productions the children and staff have been working on so diligently. It was a real treat to see the delighted reactions of the audience members as they watched and enjoyed the performances. The children were confident and entertaining, singing and dancing beautifully in their colourful costumes. It’s a perfect time to reflect on how much they have grown in confidence in their time at St George’s, and they have so much more growing to do. For some parents, it may have felt a little poignant as it may have been your child’s last Nativity play. It is a timely reminder of how privileged we are as school staff and as parents to be a part of their learning journey, guiding them and helping them to develop and grow in mind, body and spirit. We are all so proud of what each child has achieved so far, and we look forward to continuing to support and care for them in their time here at our school.
Mrs Parker Retires
We would like to extend our thanks and congratulations to the wonderful Mrs Marion Parker (our EYFS Teaching Assistant) on her retirement, after working at St George’s for an astounding 28 years! She is one of our longest serving members of staff and she has certainly earned her stripes, working with our littlest children and helping them to learn and grow in their most formative years. She has been a treasured member of our team throughout her years here and we are so grateful to her for her hard work, dedication and care for the children. If you would like to express your thanks and best wishes to Mrs Parker, she will be here next Thursday to celebrate our Christmas lunch and to host a Christmas party for the children afterwards in the Sports Hall. I’m sure you will join the staff and pupils in saying a very big thank you to our beloved Mrs Parker for her contribution to our school. Remember Mrs Parker – Once a St George’s girl, always a St George’s girl!
Christmas Jumpers
We are feeling Christmassy here at St George’s and the staff would like to suggest that the children join in the festivities by wearing their Christmas jumpers next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Christmas Mass, Carol Concert and Mince Pies
We will be holding our End of Term Mass at the Church on Tuesday 17th December at 9.30am. Afterwards, we invite you to join us for mince pies and a hot drink served by the Chaplains in the Busy Room. We will draw winners for the raffle after the Mass. Make sure you are in with a chance to win by purchasing your tickets. Please see the office staff for details.
The Carol Concert will be held the following day, Wednesday 18th, at 2pm in the Church. We will open the playground as usual for parking and look forward to you joining us for these events.
Parent Support Group
Planning has begun for a school disco next term. Please get in touch with Laura (Mum of George and Jack in Year 5 and Year 1) or the office staff to let them know if you are available to lend your support. The disco is always very popular with the children, and the more parent help we receive, the more successful the event will be for the children. Thank you in advance for your support, which is always appreciated.
We hope you have a lovely weekend.
Best wishes,
Edwina McDonnell
Upcoming Dates:
Tuesday 17th December – End of Term Mass in Church 9.30am – Mince pies/hot drinks in the Busy Room afterwards, served by Year 6 pupils
Wednesday 18th December – Carol Concert in Church – 2pm
Thursday 19th December – Christmas Dinner Day – remember to order your child’s lunch!
Thursday 19th December – Christmas Jumper Day
Saturday 21st December – SCHOOL CLOSED for the Christmas Holidays
Monday 6th January – SCHOOL REOPENS
Wednesday 9th January – Start of Term Mass in St George’s Church at 9.30am. Parents welcome.
Wednesday 15th January – Year 2 join the 9.30am Mass in St George’s Church. Parents welcome.
Wednesday 22nd January – Year 3 join the 9.30am Mass in St George’s Church. Parents welcome.
Wednesday 5th February – Year 4 join the 9.30am Mass in St George’s Church. Parents welcome.
Thursday 6th February – Chaplaincy Commissioning Service at St George’s Church. Parents welcome.
Monday 10th February – Parents’ Evening – 5 pm – 7.30 pm
Tuesday 11th February – Parents’ Evening – 3 pm – 5.30 pm
Wednesday 12th February – Year 5 join the 9.30am Mass in St George’s Church. Parents welcome.
Saturday 15th February – SCHOOL CLOSED for half-term
Monday 24th February – SCHOOL REOPENS