RE Comments and Communications

Parent and Pupil Surveys

Parent’s Comments on School Assemblies and Masses:

  • "What a wonderful school. The pupils are so polite and helpful and the staff reflect a passion for what they do. Thank you for being so welcoming."
  • " A lovely mass with a lovely message. Well done."
  • "A beautiful celebration and the singing just gets better and better."
  • "Well done to all of the children, but especially to Class 6 for organizing such a lovely service. Wonderful!"
  • "What a fantastic Nativity. Key Stage 1 should be very proud of themselves. Such beautiful singing and lovely loud narrators. 
  • "Another superb Harvest Festival. The children were so well-behaved and took part beautifully in the singing, acting dancing, artwork, poetry reciting etc. Well done to all! A loverly message: 'The light of Jesus' love brightens the harvest.' A simple, clear message for us all."
  • "An inspired and inspiring Leavers' Assembly. Once a St. George's child, always a St. George's child!

The following comments come from our RE Link Governor this term: 


(1) The start of term Prayer WOW.


This was the first time the whole school has witnessed and participated in the new format of Child-Led Prayer, as a key part of adoption of the new RED.  The service was guided by Mrs Earp and led by Yr 5 pupils who are now very professional in all their roles.   The hymns had been carefully chosen to demonstrate community (Circle Song) and fellowship (Echo Our Father), while the prayers followed the new Diocesan guidance with the now-familiar sections of Gathering, Word, Response and Mission, and appropriate religious symbols as indicated.    The atmosphere was prayerful, reverent and uplifting, and all the children clearly felt they were part of the service, rather than just observers.


(2)  The Rosary Exit Event


This beautiful service was led by Fr Tom, as part of the Marian Month of October.   He used an antique family rosary with large wooden beads, as traditional for families for many decades.   He carefully explained the sequence of Our Father, (1), Hail Mary (10) and Glory Be (1) verses for each decade, and within a few minutes, the whole school was listening and responding.   The atmosphere was peaceful, comforting and gentle, and also immensely moving.


(3) The Family Harvest Mass


This is a the highlight of the autumn term, with a mixture of old and new hymns and readings which the children and parents love taking part in.  The procession of Offertory gifts signify the generosity of God and our obligations to care for his world and be grateful for all He gives us.   There is  real joy in the singing, which ends on a high with the much-loved hymn 'Autumn Days' - now in its third generation, which is wonderful.


(4)  Harvest Festival in School


As so many families wanted to come, there were separate events for KS1 and 2.  Each class had different contributions including songs, poetry, art (wonderful sunflowers!), country dance (a triumph after only 2 days

rehearsal!) and prayer.  Again, the themes of gratitude, sharing and celebration were prominent, and it was obvious how happy and proud the parents and pupils were - the applause for each contribution was heartwarming.


I loved coming to each occasion, every one is so special.

In October, we asked 14 children from across each of the classes in the school to attend a 'pupil voice ' Lunch Bunch event. The children were asked to bring responses from their classes to the following questions : 
Do you enjoy the child led prayer sessions in school ? 
What happens in these sessions? 
What other opportunities do we have to pray in school ? 
How else do we pray? 
Does the school provide an opportunity for private prayer ? 
Can you think of any other ways in which children could pray ? 
If we were to create a prayer garden in school , what would it look like ? 

Here are some of the responses given : 
We really enjoy the child led prayer , especially when the 'big' children come because we get to talk to them and we get a chance to have ideas. 
We like the way people plan to give out things to hold and that we sometimes have prayers to write at the end which go on the prayer table . 
I like it when they light a candle because I look at it . 
I like it when you get given a job to do. I like the mission . 
I like holding hands with friends. 
I liked being given the responsibility to organise the prayer . It made me feel important. 

We sometimes sing when we pray . We sing the lunchtime prayer . We would like to sing more prayers. 
Our RE lessons often have quiet times in them where you get to pray quietly and think about things. Sometimes the prayer cards just ask you to breathe . 
We would like to know what all the ways to pray are. 
We would like a place in the school where you could go and pray any time but it would need to be quiet. 

In the prayer garden we would like : waterfalls, bench , covered area , statues of Mary and Jesus  , things to hold , bells , chimes, plants. 


Hi Claire

I would just like to take this opportunity to thank you, the children, staff and helpers for coming along to Taunton Library and entertaining us with your nativity songs.

The children were fabulous and I saw a lot of adults watching and listening with smiles on their faces.

I apologise for not getting to see you at the end only I was called away to deal with a complaint. Luckily not regarding your singing!


Thank you once again for thinking of the library and send our congratulations to the children.




( A message from the Taunton Librarian ) 

Some comments from parents and volunteers about our recent Harvest Festival services. 

Dear All,


I would like to congratulate the children of St George’s School for their contribution to such a wonderful Harvest Festival Mass at St Georges on Sunday. The Choir sang clearly and confidently, with a lovely sound. The readers read with clarity.

They were all well behaved and a credit to the school.


They also donated a lot of food to Open Door who were delighted to receive it. I know that it will all make such a difference to the homeless of Taunton.


Thanks also to Fr Tom, it was lovely to see so many children involved.


The Harvest Festival celebrations today and yesterday in School were just wonderful and showed a great breath of talent.


When events look effortless it is because a lot of work has gone on behind the scenes, so the teachers should be congratulated for all their hard work.  


All best wishes,



Dear St George's team,


Today's Harvest Festival felt particularly emotional for me, as "the last one".


I brought the children's Nanny with me. She struggles to walk and the other parents delivered, helping her up the steps and giving up a chair for her.


........... the Harvest Festival touched a special chord, as I reflected on all the people and things I am grateful for.

Seeing the children so confident and happy was truly special.


The whole assembly was just lovely, and I had to hold my tears more than once.

The chaplains were also so polite and attentive afterwards!

It just really was a special morning.


Thank you all for your hard work, well do I know the effort and love it takes, behind the scenes.


Have a lovely, restful and well deserved half term!


With best wishes,

Some comments about our KS 1 Nativity from our Visitors Book. 
RE Parent Newsletters