7th March 2025 - Newsletter


March 2025

7th March 2025

Dear Parents and Carers,


Big Lent Walk

We completed our Big Lent Walk around Vivary Park this afternoon and we were very blessed with dry and mild weather. The children’s behaviour was excellent and they represented our school to the highest standard.

Spirits were high as we completed our route and the adults were very impressed with the children’s stamina.

We are pleased to inform you that we collectively completed 525km, well above our target of 400km! At the time of writing, we have raised a whopping £220 for CAFOD, and we are so grateful to our school community for their generosity in sponsoring the children on their walk. If you didn’t have a chance to donate yet, you can still do this by visiting our school’s JustGiving Page below:

St George's Big Lent Walk 2025 is fundraising for CAFOD

Thank you to Mrs Earp for organising the event, and to staff, volunteers, governors and parents for supporting on the walk.


World Book Day

We celebrated World Book Day on Thursday and the staff and children enjoyed sharing their favourite books and teddies, and even did some buddy reading with children in other year groups. We finished the day with a bedtime story in a whole school assembly, when I read Pumpkin Soup by Helen Cooper to the children and staff. It was a lovely day and a wonderful opportunity to celebrate our love of reading.


Staffing Update

It has been wonderful seeing Mrs Carpenter and Mrs Chidgey in school recently as they prepare to return from their respective maternity leaves just before Easter. Mrs Carpenter will return to teaching in our Year 2 Class, and is looking forward to carrying on the wonderful work Mrs Earp has undertaken with the pupils in that year group. With the return of Mrs Carpenter, Mrs Earp will again join Mrs Chidgey  in Year 5 as shared class teachers.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Earp for teaching in Year 2 and Miss Droba for teaching in Year 5 while Mrs Carpenter and Mrs Chidgey were enjoying their maternity leaves. The children have been in very capable hands in their absence!


Catenian Speaking Competition

Miss Droba took a team of Year 5 pupils to a Catenian Speaking Competition today with the support of two Year 5 parents. The children did an amazing job on their presentation, and many staff members from other schools came to Miss Droba afterwards to compliment the confidence and strength of the children’s delivery. Although the children didn’t take pole position, they did an amazing job and we reminded them that in representing their school so fantastically, and in delivering such a confident and well-rehearsed presentation, they achieved what they had set out to do. We are all very proud of them for their hard work, effort and determination. Well done!


I hope you have a lovely weekend with your families and we look forward to seeing you on Monday!


Best wishes,


Edwina McDonnell



Upcoming Dates:  

Friday 21st March – Red Nose Day – Wear red Mufti

Wednesday 26th March – End of Term Mass in Church, 9.30am.

Wednesday 2nd April – Stations of the Cross – 9.30am in School. Parents Welcome.

Saturday 5th April – SCHOOL CLOSED for EASTER BREAK

Tuesday 22nd April – SCHOOL CLOSED - INSET DAY


Wednesday 23rd April – St George’s Day Mass in Church, 9.30am. Parents welcome.