Welcome to St George's Catholic Primary School
The school aims:
* To provide a broad and balanced curriculum, educating pupils harmoniously in mind, body and spirit, and placing the teachings of Jesus at the heart of all we do. We encourage staff and pupils to live out their faith, embodying the gospel values and cultivating a sense of social responsibility. ‘We ask God for the courage to put on faith, hope and love as we go out into the world and become the Word in body as well as spirit.’
Pope Francis
* To make prayer, worship and liturgy real spiritual and educational experiences and to contribute successfully to the development of the faith of each individual in the school community.
* To provide an environment in which children can grow in understanding and in the acquisition of skills, knowledge, attitudes and values for life.
* To participate in and encourage interaction between the home, parish and school. We believe that it is important that common aims be established and developed in a climate of mutual trust and openness. Home, parish and school must together provide preparation for the pupil's entry into the wider community.
* To develop within each child a respect for themself and their achievements and a respect and understanding of others.